Code Pink Boot Camp—Designed Specifically for Women, Inspired by Inspirational Women. Make it Happen Now. Achieve what you thought was impossible�fitness with flair!

CODE PINK Boot Camps specialize in women's fitness for all levels and abilities; so come and enjoy a challenging and effective boot camp workout. Register Online for one of our upcoming camps with locations throughout Orange County, Arizona, Denver, and Oahu, Hawaii for your convenience, and several more locations coming soon!

How Is CODE PINK Boot Camp Different Than Other Fitness Camps?

  • At Code Pink Boot Camp, we are known for our Customer Service
    We pride ourselves to always work with your schedule. We understand you are adding us to an already full life, therefore we built Code Pink Boot Camp to be flexible & understanding to accommodate your personal needs.

    For instance, Miss a Session - No Problem! We'll credit your account, so you can make up for missed sessions at your earliest convenience. We will even pro-rate your account if you are unable to make up missed sessions in the foreseen future.

  • At Code Pink Boot Camp, our trainers provide that intensive, yet fun, workout you always hoped existed!
    We proudly offer a great fitness experience to women of all ages, shapes, sizes, and fitness levels during every Code Pink Boot Camp.

    • For less than $14.95 per day you get solid, measurable results! So wherever you are, you will never feel left behind or like you are waiting on someone else.

    • On average, we see a loss of 12lbs of fat and a reduction in pant size by 1 to 2 sizes, in just 4 weeks!

    • We offer 2, 3, 4, and 5 Day Camps. All prices are Monthly rates. See the registration page for breakdown of prices.

  • Start now to enjoy your amazing results!

How Do I Register?

It's easy. Every Code Pink Boot Camp hosts 4-week sessions/one hour per day. Space fills up fast, Register Now to secure your space! These Fitness Camps are designed specifically as a women's workout.

Click here to start your registration.

If you have any additional questions or would prefer to register with our staff personally, please call the Code Pink Office at (949) 702-7548 or (888)949-7465

See you in Boot Camp!

Oh, oh!  Are you late?

IF we are in mid-session and you still want to join boot camp, give us a call, it would be our pleasure to accommodate you!


Testimonial: I'm a SIZE 6 again!

I just want to thank you! This is the jump start I really needed! After having my baby (5 years ago) I thought I would never be a size 6 again! Well, I am! I went from a size 14 to a size 6! I am thrilled! I have never been so energized and motivated before in my life! You are an awesome trainer and this entire program is amazing! I don't know if I can ever thank you enough!
—Thanks from Lisa R. (CP Boot Camp Lifer!)