Choose a time: 5:30am 9:30am
My Name:
Date of Birth(required): Month Day Year
City: State: ZIP:
Home Phone: Cell Phone:
Job Title: Work Phone:
Emergency Contact Name: Phone:
Current Fitness Level(use scale of 1-10):
My fitness main goal is:
My fitness goal in this camp is:
How did you hear about Code Pink Boot Camp?
If by referral please provide their name:
Attendance Options(check one): 5 Days Per Week ($299) 3 Days Per Week ($199) Annual Pass 1-FULL YEAR $ 45% off when you register here now. 2008 Session will run 10 camps beginning January 14 - Dec. 19. Full Rate fee is $2990. YOUR CODE PINK PASS is only $1644.50. (Expires 1/14/08)
Medical History Questionnaire
All "yes" answers require a written explanation in the bottom text field.
1. Are you allergic to any medication (aspirin, penicillin, sulfa, etc.)? Yes No
2. Do you take any prescribed medication on a permanent or semi-permanent basis? Yes No
3. Do you have a seizure disorder (epilepsy)? Yes No
4. Do you have diabetes; Type I (IDDM) or Type II (NIDM)? Yes No
5. Have you ever been found to be anemic (low blood count)? Yes No 6. Do you have High Blood Pressure (hypertension)? Yes No
7. Do you have or have you ever had Heart Disease? Yes No
8. Do you have or have you ever had Lung Disease? Yes No
9. Do you have or have you ever had Kidney Disease? Yes No
10. Do you have or have you ever had Liver Disease? Yes No 11. Do you have or have you ever had asthma? Yes No
12. Do you have or have you ever had severe neck injury? Yes No
13. Have you ever been knocked out? Yes No
14. Have you had a broken bone or fracture in the past 2 years? Yes No
15. Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? Yes No
16. Have you ever injured your back? Yes No
17. Do you have back pain? Never Almost Never Seldom Occasionally Frequently with vigorous exercise or heavy lifting
18. Have you had knee pain in the past 2 years that has disabled you for longer than a week? Yes No
19. Do you have other physical conditions, which cause pain? Yes No
20. Have you had any surgical procedures? Yes No
21. Have you ever had your body fat tested? Yes No
22. Are you training for a specific event? Yes No
If you are unsure about the definition of any terms in this form, please email us to clarify. Do not assume.
What are your goals for the next three months?